
Sports Massage – is a deep form of soft tissue work appropriate to all. Receiving a sports massage on a regular basis can help with injury prevention, aid in increasing joint flexibility, reduce pain and inflammation from overuse during physical activity and promote a faster recovery following injury.

Remedial Massage – is a form of massage that treats problem areas such as tension, restriction in movement, tightness of a muscle using knot release and firm pressure helping conditions of the body to return to normal health after injury.

Sports Massage and Remedial Massage helps to speed up recovery and encourages more complete healing in strains, sprains, any injury where the skin is intact, repetitive strain injury, back pain, damaged cells, scar tissue and adhesion left after injury.

This is very important to The Physical Therapy Clinic and we will look at the ‘whole’ person taking into account previous medical history, work and lifestyle before making a diagnosis and devising a treatment programme that is tailored to an individual’s needs.

Get in touch now

We are open from 9am to 9pm weekdays and Saturday mornings and we can also arrange to visit you in your home should you prefer.

Copyright - The Physical Therapy Clinic 2020